Contact: Henry Herrera
Phone: +1-301-801-0608
Email: davia@endtodv.org
Men and Boys in Ireland Are Facing Profound Gender Disparities
January 30, 2025 — This analysis reveals the challenges and disadvantages faced by men in Ireland, highlighting significant disparities compared to women. This analysis aims to highlight these issues and encourage a more inclusive dialogue about the pressing needs of men in Irish society.
Homelessness: Homelessness is a critical issue in Ireland that disproportionately affects men. According to the 2022 Population Census, 60% of the homeless population (6,234 persons) were men, while 40% (4,087 people) were women. (1)
Higher Education: In Ireland, women have significantly greater access to higher education, compared to men. According to 2021 data, for every 100 men at this educational level, there are 117 women [3]. Furthermore, 65.6%of Irish women aged 30 to 34 had completed higher education, compared to only 34.4% of men of the same age [4]. This gap reflects a consistent trend of higher female participation in higher education.
Health: In Ireland, men’s health presents troubling disparities that deserve attention. According to 2020 data, the life expectancy at birth for Irish men is 80.2 years, while for women it is 83.5 years. (5) In 2023, there were 35,156 deaths recorded in Ireland, of which 18,002 were men and 16,998 were women. (6)
Suicide: In Ireland, men face a significantly higher suicide rate than women. According to 2021 data, there were 449 suicide deaths, of whom 359 were men (80%) and 90 were women (20%). (7)
Victims of Homicide: In 2023, Ireland recorded a total of 34 homicides, among the victims, 23 were men and 11 were women (8), reflecting that men continue to be the primary victims of homicides in the country.
Shared Parenting: In Ireland 1 in 4 families with children is headed by a single parent. While 86.4% of these families are led by mothers, only 13.6% of single-parent households are headed by fathers. (10)
Despite the dominant narrative focusing on mothers, these statistics highlight that thousands of men in Ireland are single fathers and face significant barriers, both in terms of access to resources and recognition of their rights and struggles. It is crucial to push for more equitable policies that support both mothers and fathers raising children alone.
Domestic Violence: The number of men in Ireland who reported being victims of domestic violence rose by 37% in 2021 compared to the previous year, a Men’s Aid report recently revealed.
The Irish NGO reported that it received a total of 7,561 calls last year from men aged between 18 and 88 reporting “emotional, psychological, economic, physical and/or sexual abuse.” In 94% of cases, the alleged perpetrator was a woman, while the remaining 6% were “another man and/or a family member” (9)
The Men’s Aid report further explained, “These figures are a stark reminder that anyone can experience an abusive partner. However, a 37% increase has exceeded our expectations,” Bentley said during the launch of the report in Dublin, attended by Justice Minister Helen McEntee. The activist explained that “thousands of men” who contact Men’s Aid “do not see themselves as victims” of “domestic violence or coercive control” and, in many cases, do not report it out of shame. (9)
Conclusion: The disparities faced by men and boys in Ireland reflect a global problem that demands attention from lawmakers and civil society (11). By focusing on men’s needs, we can promote a more just and inclusive society, fostering equality and development for all.
- https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-cpp6/censusofpopulation2022profile6-homelessness/homelesspeopleinireland/?utm
- https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-wamii/womenandmeninireland2019/povertypeaceandjustice/
- https://es.theglobaleconomy.com/Ireland/Female_to_male_ratio_students_tertiary_level_educa/
- https://www.ine.es/ss/Satellite?L=1&c=INESeccion_C&cid=1259925481089&pagename=ProductosYServicios%2FPYSLayout¶m1=PYSDetalle¶m3=1259924822888
- https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/es/ireland-life-expectancy?utm
- https://datosmacro.expansion.com/demografia/mortalidad/irlanda?utm
- https://www.samaritans.org/about-samaritans/research-policy-ireland/self-harm-and-suicide-statistics-in-ireland/?utm
- https://datosmacro.expansion.com/demografia/homicidios/irlanda?utm
- https://www.infobae.com/america/agencias/2022/11/14/las-denuncias-de-violencia-domestica-de-hombres-en-irlanda-subio-un-37/?utm
- https://onefamily.ie/media-policy/facts-figures/#:~:text=1%20in%205%20people%20in,in%20the%20last%20ten%20years.
- https://www.menandboys.net/