Strategies and Solutions:

  • Assertively speak out when boys’ educational issues are shortchanged or ignored in the media or by policy-makers.
  • Participate in the International Education Day, which is observed every year on January 24.
  • Reports:
  • Policies:
    1. Government and Educational Agencies Support:

    Actively support initiatives and policies to close the gender attainment gap, similar to efforts for the gender pay gap.

    1. Inclusive and Fair School Environment:

    Create an environment where boys feel encouraged and supported, with high expectations, targeted encouragement, and consistent and fair discipline.

    1. Targeted Interventions:

    Implement literacy mentoring, role models, and early literacy programs specifically tailored to boys’ needs.

    1. Male Representation in Teaching:

    Increase male representation in teaching, especially in primary education, and provide training focused on boys’ unique challenges.

    1. Greater Father Involvement:

    Support policies that promote greater father involvement in children’s education.

    1. Expand Career and Technical Education Programs:

    These programs have shown success in engaging boys more effectively than traditional academic tracks.

    1. Equal Access to Scholarships and Extracurricular Programs:

    Ensure that college scholarships, extracurricular, and leadership programs are equally available to male students.